Confirm Your Subscription

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Hi there!

Thank you so much for signing up for free updates from Laura Warnke at and your interest in my free report “5 Simple Ways to Preserve your Family Recipes”.

There is just ONE more thing to do…

  • Check your email right now and look for a new message from Laura Warnke titled “confirm your subscription”.
  • Open the email and scroll about half way down the page.
  • Click on the link within the email to confirm your email address.
  • If you don’t see the email in about 10 minutes, check your spam or junk folder.
  • Add [email protected] to your list of “safe senders” in your email program. Otherwise, the content you requested might not reach you.

After that, you will receive a welcome email with your free report and additional emails with my latest recipes. I will talk with you soon!

Here is what it will look like:


Thank you for your interest and I look forward to talking more with you soon!

Happy Eating!

Laura Warnke